Top 4 Funny Halloween Costumes For The Halloween Party 2013

Halloween is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year. It is associated with so much fun and excitement for all family members regardless of their age and gender. This is the only time of the year to bring out the child in you, become anyone you admire, ridicule or simply make others laugh through your costume. Halloween can be a great opportunity for quality family bonding so get creative and have those around you crack up with laughter through funny Halloween costumes. Some costumes are common hence boring so choose to stand out by getting a unique Halloween costume this time round.


 Click here for more Halloween costume ideas for men

Couch Potato Halloween Costume

This is a term thrown around a lot every now and then;  its time to bring out the comical sense of the term. The best thing about this kind of funny adult Halloween costume is that it doesn’t demand too much effort in putting it funnyHalloweencostume_CouchPotatoHalloweenCostumetogether. You can choose to bring out the comical sense of this word by being too lazy to actually put the costume together. Simply get a huge, round outfit or T-shirt and draw on ‘potato eyes’ and a couch at the center.

Alternatively, put on a white t-shirt and write on it the words “COUCH POTATO” and leave it at that. People will definitely know that you’re too lazy to put effort on your Halloween costume.


New born With a Charger for Umbilical Cord

Technology seems to have influence over almost everything and maybe it is funnyHalloweencostume_USBPortandstickAdulttime to bring the comical side of it through related funny Halloween costumes. This is ideal for a new born baby but adults can wear it too. Simply dress the baby in an ordinary romper/ one piece suit and glue on a cell phone charger on the belly button area. This simply signifies that the baby is a product of technology.


Togetherness Chicken Suit Costume

If you’re thinking of making this Halloween a special family event then its best to get costumes that match. Chickens are known to stick together as a family while the mother hen is especially known to be over protective of her chicks. The man should definitely dress up in a cock outfit, the lady in a mother hen funnyHalloweencostume_FunnyAdultChickenCostumesuit and the children in chick suits that probably have a half a piece of the shell at the top and at the bottom with a huge crack at the center.


Mama’s Boy Halloween Costume

If your mates have been teasing you of being a mama’s boy then you should definitely consider this Halloween costume idea. Bring an elder woman preferably your mom with you dressed in an old fashioned manner complete with glasses and a wig. You, on the other hand should come dressed in adult size diapers and a pacifier in the shape of a beer bottle to bring about the contrast. Wear a t-shirt written on it “Mama’s boy” or” where’s my mama” to make the message clear. This is funnyHalloweencostume_Mama'sBoyHalloweenCostumehilarious yet a unique choice.

If you intend to go for a party this time round, choose to stand out and crack people up with one of these funny Halloween costumes. The best place to get a wide variety of what you’re looking for is a Halloween store but you always have the options of putting one together yourself.

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